

Over the past few years, the focus in the healthcare sector has shifted from driving process efficiencies to building systems that are focused on outcomes, not output. Organizations are using design-thinking to uncover opportunities and reimagine stakeholder experience. This white paper addresses some of the key challenges in the space, as well as the opportunities presented by this new way of thinking about healthcare systems.  

Find out where healthcare user experience is headed in 2021.


Healthcare consumers today are more connected, better-informed, and want to have more control and ownership of their health data. Traditional systems and applications in the healthcare setting have grown to address these needs in an ad-hoc manner, creating complex user interfaces that do not address the twin challenges of improving patient outcomes, as well as delivering a better experience for all stakeholders.

Human-centered design processes are addressing these challenges by moving beyond just improving process efficiency and balancing the key needs of all stakeholders. The rapid evolution of technology and data science, coupled with the enhanced focus on usability, accessibility, and affordability of solutions, is transforming patient experience like never before. By focusing on outcomes, and not just output, this new breed of systems are reimagining all branches of the healthcare sector.

This whitepaper looks at the possibilities and opportunities for a better design experience in some key healthcare domains. Key initiatives covered include:

  • AI in Critical Care to improve patient outcomes
  • Big Data to transform Cancer Research
  • Using Neural Networks and Imaging AI for Diagnosis / AI Imaging
  • Genetic Testing for managing Cancer risks
  • Robotic Surgery for faster recovery & fewer complications
  • The democratization of information with Mobility Apps for all Stakeholders
  • Extending current EHRs by providing an integrated view of the patient
  • Digital Pathology for greater diagnostic accuracy
  • Speeding up Drug discovery with Machine Learning

The healthcare space is also unique in many ways in terms of the design challenges it poses, given the impact even small design interventions have on the patients’ lives. It is in this context that we discuss the state-of-the-art in healthcare UX, and what the future holds for us.

July 21, 2022
1:10 pm
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